Has anyone ever heard of a band from Portland called Hockey?
I know that this video is kind of corny, but I'm kind of in love with it. I'm pretty sure this is what Dylan would sound like if he actually tried to sing a melody.
Hockey - Song Away (Official Music Video)
A new band for me
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Posted by Janelle at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Inspiration #2
I love this...
Typophile Film Festival 5 Opening Titles from Brent Barson on Vimeo.
Posted by Janelle at 2:25 PM 1 comments
Wanderlust dreams
Monday, September 21, 2009
For a long, long while now I've had a semi-secret dream to buy an old airstream trailer, give it a massive overhaul, pack up life, and head out on an epic Back Roads of America road trip for a year or so.
This is sort of the vision in my head...
I've been getting braver lately about voicing this ridiculous idea out into the void, and I fully intend on actually following through on it some day, so help me and whatever poor soul I rope into hopping along for the ride.
Now, all of this leads me to today, when I was poking around various corners of the internet and stumbled along this:
Turns out someone is already living my life!
Posted by Janelle at 10:57 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The first leaves are just beginning to turn here in the mountains. Mists are sinking in, scents are lingering, and I'm feeling so inspired I just might burst with it.
Here are some bits of internet that have been feeding into my soul lately.
Check out my ongoing stream of inspiration as it gathers here.
Posted by Janelle at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Welcome To The Land Of The Living, Janelle...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So here we are, four months past graduation and leaving Brooklyn, believe it or not. Getting life started is a continual adventure, but I'm getting there, bit by bit. In the latest effort toward that feat, I've officially launched my graphic design entity, and finally got my website up and rolling. I'm so excited about this venture, I feel like it's such an exciting culmination of the what I've learned about design and about myself in and out of school over the past four years, and I really can't wait to see where it leads.
Take a look...
Or just look for yourself.
Posted by Janelle at 1:57 PM 3 comments