
Monday, October 13, 2008

I had a long, comfy conversation the other night with my former boss and current friend... talking, as we usually do, about boys. In it he made a comment that I haven't been able to stop thinking about since.

He said that the way he defines maturity is that an immature person genuinely thinks that inaction means you haven't had to make a decision, whereas a mature person can recognize that by not making a choice, you are making a choice. In other words, that you are defining your own life every second you live... that every moment, every thing you do or do not do, say or do not say, you're making the decisions which shape your life, and you are responsible for them. Someone who has not reached that maturity truly believes that by sitting very still and not doing anything, things will stand still until they figure it out.

Of course... he was talking about silly boys, which I totally agree with, but I ended up feeling really convicted actually, and I haven't really been able to stop thinking about how that plays out in my own life. I feel like there are so many parts of my life that seem so overwhelming or uncontrollable that the easiest solution I can think of is to just not do anything at all. It's pretty childish, and always tends to lead to a bigger mess to clean up in the end anyway. In fact, it's kind of pathetic. But I still do it. I wish I knew how to change it.

...Just some things I'm thinking about.


Quixotikink said...

thank you. i do not plan to try to be strongly moved by every post of yours, but that one meant a lot to me!

(...but not in relation to silly boys. ;)


JustinFike said...

That's a hell of a definition. I will be thinking on this...